My hands hurt

I’ve been all over the place and now my hands are starting to remind me to take it easy. That won’t start until after New Years so my hands will just have to deal with it.

During autumn I had picked a bag full of leaves that had already fallen of the trees. They had turned all brown and did not look quite inviting on the wet ground but when I bunched up some I noticed that they might actually make a nice base for a wreath.

I just pull all the leaves (notice that you need to pick a lot of them) through a thick metal wire while they were still moist and then tide the ends of the metal wires together to form a ring. Then I waited for it to dry. After it was dry I sprayed spray glue all over the wreath and sprinkled gold glitter on top. Love it! The last touch was the red ribbon to bring a touch of Christmas.

Christmas wreath     Christmas wreath

I also created a advent calendar for my kids. I used an old memory board for it which I covered with some nice fabric. Then I painted small cardboard boxes white, decorated them and stuck them to the memory board. Turned out pretty cute and the kids love it.

Advent calendar

Advent calendar

Advent calendar

Finally it has come time to also give gifts. I was in a hurry but luckly got my friends gift done. You can easily dress up a gift bag with dollies. 🙂 I’m not going to tell you what is inside the bag since I’m writing about it soon in my blog.

GiftGift card

As I mentioned before I have been selfish. Made a few basic pieces of jewelry for myself. Neither are from sterling silver this time but I do like the quality of the bracelet’s pearls. They are actually sea shell.


Bracelet Bracelet

This necklace is once again from Agate stone. The big round metal bead is from Barcelona where I found a great little bead shop. I was taken back by the weight of the bead even though it is not real silver.




As you can see I’ve been busy as usual. More coming up tomorrow I hope. Now I’ll go finish up some Christmas cards.


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3 Responses to My hands hurt

  1. Helena says:

    Lovely things! But what did you put in the small boxes?

    • alinakelo says:

      If you are talking about the advent calendar then just candy of all sorts. Each day there is something different. I was going to put also small toys or something beautiful but time ran out for those.

      But it was no suprise that the candy was a hit with my three year old. 🙂

  2. Pingback: Time for the advent calendar | Alina

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